
Showing posts from October, 2018

Letter to the editor

Letter to the editor in response to “ Twtr? It's majorly bad! Leading headteacher condemns 'text speak' for eroding schoolchildren's language skills" Teachers are blaming students' phones for the lack spelling and grammar rules which are being replaced with neologisms and abbreviations. In the article " “ Twtr? It's majorly bad! Leading headteacher condemns 'text speak' for eroding schoolchildren's language skills" , the teachers say that students don't know which type of language to use when writing an essay because they write in the same way as they would in a text message however, the teachers can be blamed equally because instead of criticizing the way students write, they should teach them how to code switch.  It is expected of students to use their free time on social media instead of reading and improving their writing skills so teachers should use their classes to teach them the formal way of writing essays rather

Tupac's "Changes" Analysis

In Tupac's 'Changes' the rapper narrates a violent, racist, depressed, and poverty corrupt system affecting the daily lives of African Americans. Tupac gives an insight into the struggles African Americans endure and expresses the idea that changes need to be made in order to bring an end to the social issues afflicting their population. The rapper starts the song showing signs of depression as he says "Is life worth living? Should I blast myself?" These rhetorical questions manifest the depressed theme and emotions in the audiences' head especially when 'blast' creates an even clearer image in their mind. He then delves into the inimical relationship between police officers and blacks as blacks are often mistreated by the cops. "Cops give a damn about a negro? Pull the trigger, kill a nigga, he's a hero" this statement refers to the violent theme occurring in the song insinuating that killing a black is an accomplishment. Tupac t