
Showing posts from 2019

Empathy and Human Experience in TEWWG

The article, 'This is Water', by David Wallace discusses the idea that we as people put ourselves as the center of our universe while disregarding how people around us are feeling where the 'lack of empathy' factor plays in suggesting that we don't allow ourselves to empathize with the people around us but instead we create stereotypes off of first impressions. This can also be seen in Their Eyes Were Watching God, when Janie is judged by the people of her town in the beginning of the novel as they assume that Tea Cake had left her for a younger women. However, when Janie tells her story to Pheoby, she explains how she feels that she has lived her life to the fullest and now understands the meaning of love which is another common theme between the article and the novel since Wallace explains the importance of living through a situation to fully understand it. This can be seen when Janie was young and wanted to understand the feeling of love and had her own assumpti

Thesis and Topic sentence

Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart, written in 1958, is a novel about Nigeria's journey to independence through the perspective of Okonkwo who is a respected Igbo man representing the traditions and values of the Igbo tribe. His fear of becoming like his father and his inability to adapt to changes of colonization causes conflict between him and the tribe which later on highlights the complexities within the Igbo culture. Achebe's portrayal of the Igbo tribe shows both the highs and lows of their values and traditions in order to abstain readers from romanticizing life before colonization.

Character Analysis

What is the  significance of Okonkwo’s character?  What does he   represent   or is   symbolic   of? Okonkwo is the protagonist of Things Fall Apart, where he is known for his fear of becoming his father whom he was embarrassed by because of his laziness and feminine characteristics. This fear made Okonkwo show no kindness or respect towards those with no title and made him treat his wife and children in an abusive way to ensure that no one considered him as weak or feminine. Additionally, Okonkow is known for winning a wrestling match against the cat which allowed him to earn his respect among the villagers, he is also known for his large yam harvest and having three wives. Achebe uses Okonkwo to explore and represent the different aspects of the Igbo culture, showing both the good and bad through the traditions and customs that they follow. Okonkwo's attitude towards life contributes to his fatal death which symbolizes the effects of colonization on the other side and how it ca

Key moments

In my opinion, one of the most important events from things fall apart is the death of Okonkwo at the end of the novel and this is because the death of the protagonist symbolizes Achebe's main reason for writing the novel which is colonization from another point of view. This suicide shows how cultures and systems are taken over as it starts to fall apart and the effects it has on the people it is being inflicted upon. It also reflects Okonwo's weakness and failure and how it took over his pride as he was no longer the leader of his village so he decides to kill himself which creates a conflict within the novel. The second most important part would be Nwoye joining the church because this foreshadows the falling apart of the Umofia since it shows how Nwoye fell apart and decided to join the church which symbolizes the weakness of the tribe. This event is important to the conflict because it shows how Umofia is falling apart and characterizes Nwoye as a parallel to his father

TFA context

Why would Achebe choose to set his novel prior to and during the arrival of the colonial administration as opposed to during the context of production? The reason for Achebe choosing to set his novel prior to and during the arrival of the colonial administration  as opposed to during the context of production would be that he is part of the movement for an independent Nigeria. All stories about the colonization of Nigeria were told by the British who portrayed them as savages and living amongst each other and the British presented themselves as having a moral obligation  of civilizing the Africans because they would have not been able to do it themselves. Since Achebe's reasoning behind the book is to tell the story of the civilization and independence of Nigeria from his peoples perspective, it makes sense to set the novel back to the very beginning  of the colonization by the British which then gives  justice to the  existing  customs, and flaws of the system, which well-

The Tempest Thematic Statement

In the tempest, shakespeare communicates the theme of forgiveness through the protagonist's actions who in the beginning of the play shows the need to get revenge on his brother for taking his throne from him and on the nobles for not helping him through his hard times. However when Prospero gets a chance to complete this desire, he chooses to forgive them instead showing character growth and wisdom allowing the audience to understand the value of forgiveness. Additionally, Shakespeare presents themes of power as the play is revolved around the need to gain power as many characters are locked into a power struggles for their freedom and the need to have power and control over land.

Context Blog Post

The ad I analyzed was about raising money for bicycles for children specifically girls in India who have to take a dangerous and risky route to school. The ad raises awareness of the dangers an indian girl has to go through just to get education by displaying a realistic picture of a girl riding her bike through a rural area and and therefore persuades their target audience to supply money to their fund. Since the ad was asking for money, the primary audience can be suggested to be affluent people in middle to high class however the secondary audience can be suggested to be women as they express the importance of safety and education for girls which many women may be able to relate to. Additionally, the ad used multiple persuasive techniques such as fear to appeal to the audiences need to nurture and parental instincts as any parent would not want their child to go through such experiences. The ad also uses extrapolation as it makes the audience feel like donating money will take all t

Gillette Ad

Gillette's advertisement features a series of societal problems  such as bullying, sexual harassment and the objectification of women, then asks, "Is this the best a man can get?" The ad is targeted towards men, specifically men with sons as it appeals to the audiences need for guidance since it  urges men to be more accountable and to take an active role in effecting change. The advertisement's purpose is to criticize toxic masculinity present in today's society and persuades men to be a better example to the younger generation as the ad uses little children to display the effects of such masculinity. The ad shows how gender roles are perceived by the public as the ad shows a women cleaning the house being humerously groped by a man while the audience laughs in response showing that women are perceived helpless in society and that men have a dominance over women. The ad also shows a woman giving her insight and ideas to her colleagues but then one of the mean

Target audience and appeal

Getting a message across may depend on your ability to get someone to identify with a problem they’ve never actually had to deal with. Some brands and most public service advertisements depend on the ability to evoke the emotion of empathy and understanding in those they need to care about their cause, as is done in this ad by the safe at home foundation. Empathy helps people picture the problem in a personal way so that they can understand the consequences for someone else. Through the use of image manipulation, this advertisement creates a hyperbolic image of a child's brain having an imprint of their parents fighting in context with the quote "once they see it, it stays with them". This headline appeals to the audiences need to nurture by implying that the way you act around your child can harm them mentally for the rest of their life. This ad is targeted towards parents as it is creating awareness of the effects domestic violence can have on a child and a parent

morality in advertising

Do you think that advertisers have a moral duty to avoid stereotyping people? I think that advertisers should have a moral duty to avoid stereotypes since advertisements are a part of media which plays a huge part in society. The goal of advertisements is to make money by appealing to the audience in order to buy their products so it is understandable that advertisements turn to stereotypes to appeal to the largest part of the population. However, advertisements firms should not be careless when creating their ads because they are producing to an audience that is constantly being exposed to advertisements so a constant exposure to stereotypes could have an effect on them. By constantly consuming these advertisements, the audience will start to change and shape themselves according to the stereotypes in order to fulfil the expectations shown in the ads. These stereotypes could result in lowering self esteem and could influence its audience to make physical changes to their appearanc

gender and stereotype inquiry

  A commonality between all three of the advertisements is that it is imposing a beauty standard on both genders that facial and body hair should be removed because it is aesthetically unappealing. This is stressed more strongly on shaving leg hair for women and facial hair for men. For the second advertisement, it implies that if that hair is not shaved off , it will makes men undesirable in a romantic way. Another common factor is between the Venus advertisements  since they both objectifying woman as it has dehumanized them as a person and simplified them to shaved, tones legs. As for the second advertisement, it is insinuates that a man's romantic desire is depended on the lack of facial hair. All three advertisements are placing a hateful quality on the  growth of facial and body hair which is   a natural feature in all humans.  One of the differences between the advertisements is that the Venus razors encourage shaving hair for a personal and societal benefit while the men