Introductory Blog Post

Part 1-Bio

As i grew up, i have encountered many activities that i found quite interesting such as zip lining, snorkelling, sky diving, swimming with elephants, and much more but one activity i had the most interest in was horse riding. When i first moved to Abu Dhabi from Dubai my mum put me in horse riding lessons so that i would have something to do and from this i gained an amazing connection with horses which is why they are one of my favorite animals and an unforgettable experience that unfortunately only lasted two years. In addition, reading is another one of my interests that i enjoy till this day. Something about being able to transport yourself into any universe of any time and get to experience the world in someone else's perspective can be quite magical. It's the ability to relive a moment that you loved so much over and over again which is something that can not be done in the real world.

Language to me is very important because it is the way i am able to communicate my feelings and expressions to my friends and family. I believe that studying language is extremely important mostly because i can only speak one language which is english and would love to expand that to number to at least two or three so i could communicate with others that do not speak english. Even though i go to an international school with people from different nationalities with different mother tongues, it's hard to fell excluded due to language barriers as everyone mostly
 speaks english. 

Part 2- Goal Setting
Something new i would like to try this year is to start doing sports as i have not been much of a sporty person in the past few years and i would also like to learn a new language in order to fulfil my goal of speaking 2 languages. The material we'll cover in this class will help me with this goal as the units we will explore will unravel the history of language and how it has progressed over time. Furthermore, by analysing various forms of texts i will be able to understand languages better and strive to grow as an intellectual learner and master the information i receive in this course to carry with me into the future. 


  1. I completely agree with the fact that at RIS, a school with over 70 different nationalities, it is still not common to have language barriers with the other students and teachers as the majority of them speak English.
    One connection that I could make to my personal blog post, as well as my reality is that I love horse riding as well! I’ve always loved all types of animals, however throughout the experience i’ve had with years of horse riding with horses, my connection to them has also grown extensively and they are also one of my favourite animals! In my blog, I have also written about how my time with horses have unfortunately ended as I did not have time for weekly riding due to my tight school schedule! However my incredible riding experience will never be forgotten.
    You mentioned how you only speak one language fluently; English. How does this impact your communication skills with people you encounter globally that do not speak English very well?
    “Something about being able to transport yourself into any universe of any time and get to experience the world in someone else's perspective can be quite magical. It's the ability to relive a moment that you loved so much over and over again which is something that can not be done in the real world.” This is something that really stood out to me. It is an amazing analogy that really allows you to realize the depth of reading and how it can hold such a profound meaning. It is such a great way to look at what reading is like, and how unique it can be to many people.
    Not only does language allow you to express your feelings towards friends and family, but that also helps you build closer bonds and relationships with people. This connects you more to people, locally and globally, and extends your social life.

  2. Like Tia, I also really enjoyed your sentiment about reading. I hope that in addition to the language topics we cover in this course that you will enjoy some of the literary texts we study as well. Or at least that you will be able to appreciate literature even more.


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